Funding Information for KIA’s Student Sponsorship Program

Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFH):

  • Students attending college/university away from their hometown are eligible to apply under the Student Sponsorship Program
  • Receiving $200 a week while enrolled in college/university
  • KIA’s Student Attendance records must be submitted every 2 weeks

Childcare Assistance:

  • Students enrolled in a college/university institution are eligible to receive childcare allowances to pay for daycare or babysitter (Note: This is only for the ages 6 years old and under child support)
  • Your spouse must be working (your spouse cannot be listed as a childcare provider)
  • The childcare assistance is offered at a rate of $40 per child a day
  • Childcare allowance is directly to the students and paid by invoice only. If you had paid and received receipts from daycare or babysitter you can be reimbursed from KIATuition
  • For tuition costs the funds will be paid directly to your post-secondary institution
  • FANS or ALTS will cover most tuition costs but if the tuition is higher cost than the approved budget you are eligible for top-up from KIA to cover full tuition costs
  • Tuition will not be paid unless an invoice is sent to KIA

Books and Supplies

  • If ALTS or FANS doesn’t cover books/supplies costs you may be eligible for support, if you provide receipts of books and supplies you can be reimbursed from KIA
  • If you provide invoice for books and supplies for your program we can make payment to you
  • If you are not approved by FANS/ALTS please provide a quote when submitting your application

Training Allowance

  •  Students may be eligible to receive training allowance if ALTS or FANS can’t fund the student for any reason
  • Students with no dependents received $275 a week
  • Students with 1 dependent receives $385 a week
  • 2 dependents at $495 a week
  • 3 dependents at $605 a week
  • 4 dependents at $715 a week