Bereavement & Compassionate Care

Bereavement & Compassionate Care

Kivalliq Inuit Association’s Bereavement Travel Program provides financial assistance for air travel for a maximum of two (2) family members who wish to attend the funeral of a family member who has died or to help pay for the shipment of the remains of the deceased family member; but not both.

Bereavement Travel Program Guidelines and Application

Kivalliq Inuit Association’s Compassionate Travel Program provides financial assistance for air travel for a maximum of two (2) family members who wish to see a family member who is terminally ill and facing imminent death.

Compassionate Travel Program Guidelines and Application

For more information about these programs, contact your local Community Liaison Officer or:

Bereavement Compassionate Care Coordinator
Kivalliq Inuit Association

Phone: 867-645-5725
Toll-Free: 1-800-220-6581
Fax: 867-645-2348
Cellular: 867-645-6832

Please note: this program is administered regionally; if your deceased family member or terminally ill family member is a member of the Kitikmeot Inuit Association or Qikiqtani Inuit Association, please contact your respective Regional Inuit Association for more information.