Kivalliq Harvesters Support Grant


The objective of the Kivalliq Harvesters Support Grant (KHSG) is to relieve costs of freight for harvesting equipment for Inuit in the Kivalliq and to preserve and advance Inuit harvesting culture, heritage, and traditional ways of life.



To be eligible for funding assistance, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • An Inuk 16 years of age or older and enrolled in the Nunavut Agreement;
  • A harvester who engages in traditional harvesting activity; and
  • Residing in the Kivalliq region



The Program provides funding assistance to cover the cost of freight for all modes of transport:

75% of the freight costs per request for harvesting equipment from April 1, 2023, to current. Only one application can be accepted for each type of equipment.




Outboard Motor


Full or 25% proof of payment of freight must be provided with application to be processed.

Please note that submissions with shipping quotes prior to April 1, 2023 will not be processed.